Lucia's diary/blog :D

July 22, 2024

My first blog post! I don't know what I'm doing but this site has been a lot of fun so far.

My 17th birthday is exactly one month from now... Then I only have 365 days until I turn 18. Scary! I have been ready for and looking forward to adult responsibilities for years, but that's still a huge change. One day you're young and fun and the next day its illegal for you to make a moviestarplanet account!!!! Luckily the election will happen when I'm seventeen so I won't have to vote for a while. I don't want to vote but my teacher was like "once good people stop voting then that's the day the bad people will have complete power" or whatever but like what am I supposed to even do idk.

Overall though I am welcoming adulthood. Except since I have a weird summer birthday I'm going to be 18 going into my senior year so I won't even be an actual adult. I don't care about being an adult so I can do drugs or whatever other kool adult stuff there is I just hate not having control over basic things. Like for example my parents own a lot of stuff and make big messes all the time and it frustrates me because I can't function in that sort of environement. I keep all of my stuff really organized and have a very strict routine for picking up after myself, doing laundry, etc, and it just drives me crazy that my parents never developed those type of habits so all the time because they're stressed out and I'm stressed out because due to their lifestyles everything regarding home upkeep is 100x harder than it should be. It's just not a fun time. My dad offered to help me get an apartment when I'm in 12th grade which obviously sounds great on the face of it but I'm not comfortable with them paying for it and to pay for it myself I would have to neglect the other responsibilities I would have as a student. So I'm just gonna have to thug it out and even though I'll technically be a year late in being an adult maybe that will be better because my brain will have another year to develop before I'm totally independant. And since I will have more anticipation about it then I'll appreciate it more.

I have like a 30 page google doc full of all this stuff like the best foods to buy when you're poor, the cheapest and most high quality home necessities, paying bills, and all sorts of instructions like that. I am ready

Guys I'm gonna be real with u for a second... for all the yapping I just did about how responsible and ready to move out I am, I, Lucia, am 16 years and 11 months old and still don't have a drivers lisence or job. It's not totally my fault though!!! The summer after 8th grade, everybody got jobs and started the process of getting their permits. We moved states though, so obviously everything was just messed up in that regard. And since I didn't have a community anymore it was harder to just go out in the world and be like "hello i would like 1 drivers lisence and 1 job pls" and I didn't even approach the possibility of that with my parents because I knew they were very against those things. Then a year passed and I was severely depressed and eventually I got my parents to be like ok yeah you'll get a job and lisence at some point before you move out. Except it would be hard to get one without the other because we live in the middle of nowhere so I'd have to drive a lot if I had a job and obviously I COULDN'T... but getting insurance for being a teenage driver is really expensive so they didn't want me to do that and I couldn't help pay for it because I didn't have money because I didn't have a job. But this summer things have been better I just finished the classes I needed 2 take the test 2 get my permit and I applied for a job at an ice cream place. Except the ice cream place does all their hiring in the beginning of the summer I'm pretty sure so they'll probably never get back to me and since I'm just starting the lisence getting process now it's going to take forever to finish. Whatever this summer is probably just like a filler episode in my life, it hasn't been great but it hasn't been traumatic like the past like 4 summers it's just been neutral and neutral is something I can be very appreciative of. I think things will only be uphill from here.

I think that's enough for now but if you want to hear the exciting details of Lucia probably getting a job at a grocery store stay tuned!!!!